What is Energetic Healing? Well, like everything, you can google it. You will find several definitions and there are different modalities that fall under the umbrella of ‘energy healing’ but the one I am writing about is a modality called Chakra-Puncture (CP). It is similar to acupuncture in that it uses needles but it is dis-similar in that it doesn’t work on the Chinese meridians. Instead it works through the nadis in the body. There is further information about chakra-puncture and nadis at the end of this blog.
The best way for me to talk about energetic healing is to share with you my actual experience. When I do a CP detox program (a series of twelve sessions), I like to have a ‘theme’. For this one I nominated the theme of “Show me what needs to be healed, show me what is holding me back.” By ‘holding me back’, I mean what is holding me back from experiencing the joy of being a child of God. Granted we live in a mad, mad world and this is a good excuse for not feeling the joy of being divine but I am wanting to move past the madness and embrace the Joy.
AuthorGayle Cue loves writing about life, reflecting on every day miracles and pondering on the big picture. Subscribe to receive latest blogs and updates.