Welcome to the 2021 Body Awareness Esoteric Yoga monthly programs
These sessions will be held on three consecutive days (always a Tues, Weds & Thurs mid way between the full moon esoteric yoga sessions), providing the opportunity to deepen into our inner stillness. The sessions focus on creating a union within, aligning the mind and the body, staying consciously present in the body throughout the session. The body is made of divine particles and being present with our divinity in these sessions develops our living way which we then take out into the world.
Of course, attendance on all three days would be beneficial. But understanding that everyone has schedules to keep, it is not always possible to attend in real time. THESE SESSIONS ARE RECORDED and will be available for one week following the date of delivery.
The Body Awareness recordings will allow you to playback at a later time which makes them ideal for listening at your convenience, especially during the wind down of your day, as an aid to supporting yourself to be in repose. Cost is $42 for all three days.
All session dates shown below are for AUSTRALIA at 6am NSW (whether AEDT & AEST) All sessions are offered globally. I will send your time zone equivalent in the monthly email notice.
January Body Awareness Tues 12, Weds 13, Thur 14 January
February Body Awareness Tues 9, Weds 10, Thur 11 February
March Body Awareness Tues 9, Weds 10, Thur 11 March
April Body Awareness Tues 13, Weds 14, Thurs 15 April
May Body Awareness Tues 11, Weds 12, Thurs 13 May
June Body Awareness Tues 8, Weds 9, Thurs 10 June
July Body Awareness Tues 6, Weds 7, Thur 8 July
August Body Awareness Tues 3, Weds 4, Thurs 5 August
September Body Awareness Tues 31 Aug, Weds 1, Thurs 2 September
October Body Awareness Tues 5, Weds 6, Thurs 7 October
November Body Awareness Tues 2, Weds 3, Thurs 4 November
December Body Awareness Tues 30 Nov, Weds 1, Thurs 2 December